• Welcome to Special 草榴社区apps

    Everyone deserves educational opportunities that match their ability to learn.  We offer many support programs for children with disabilities from birth through age twenty two years old.

  • The 草榴社区app Unified School District Special 草榴社区apps proudly supports approximately 3,100 exceptional students each year. We are deeply committed to ensuring every student receives a highly effective Individualized Education Program in an environment that fosters their fullest potential.

    Special 草榴社区apps offers a comprehensive range of program options and specialized services tailored to meet the diverse needs of students with disabilities across the 草榴社区app Unified School District.

    For our youngest learners aged 3-5, we provide enriching preschool experiences at specialized campuses and integrated settings within state preschool sites. From kindergarten through 12th grade, we deliver services that cater to each student’s unique requirements, promoting inclusion in the least restrictive environments possible. Our transition programs for young adults aged 18-22 are equally personalized to support their journey beyond high school.

    Our dedicated team stands ready to collaborate closely with parents, offering unwavering support in academics, behavior management, communication skills, and related services for every child in our care. Together, we strive to empower each student to thrive and succeed.

  • If you would like someone from Special 草榴社区apps to contact you, please contact us:

    Special 草榴社区apps


    (909) 820-7700; Ext. 2722